Since its inception in 1988,The Royal Rumblehas produced a multitude of fantastic moments and has undoubtedly been filled with epic wrestling achievement. Careers have been jump-started due to outstanding performances and title shots and championships have been earned. The true fortitude of many legends has been tested in front of legions of crazed fans lucky enough to witness this spectacle first-hand.

With all the greatness the rumble has provided over the years, there has also been a fair share of laughs. Often times those things are remembered as easily as the greatest moves and efforts. As this year's rumble draws nearer, let's take a quick trip down wrestling's "memory lane" and recall the ten funniest eliminations in Royal Rumble history.

10 Andre The Giant (1989)

At 7'4 and 520 pounds, Andre The Giant was a threat to win any rumble (or match) that he was a participant. His mere size and strength made him an almost impossible elimination for one man. Coming in as entry #3, Andre was able to make three eliminations in quick fashion and seemed poised for a long night after eliminating his rival Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Roberts' next move intensified his rivalry with Andre, and in the process created one of the funniest eliminations in rumble history. Knowing of Andre's fear of snakes, Roberts returned to the ring unannounced with Damien (his pet python) in tow. Tossing Damien into the ring, participating wrestlers scattered, including Andre, who unfortunately made his way over the top rope to escape the ring. Although Damien isn't credited with the elimination (nor is Roberts), it was comedic to see a mammoth of a man like Andre end his night in such fashion.

9 Bushwacker Luke (1991)

Half of the memorable tag team "The Bushwackers", Bushwacker Luke made his way to the ring for the rumble doing the patented "Bushwacker Walk". After climbing into the ring, Luke was immediately met by Earthquake, who guided him to the other side, all while Luke maintained the infamous gait. Quickly tossed over the top rope, Luke stuck the landing on the floor below and didn't even break stride as he circled around the far side of the ring and back up the ramp.

8 "Macho Man" Randy Savage (1993)

Randy Savage, who had drawn entry #30, was left in the ring at the end of the rumble with that night's one-man wrecking crew, Yokozuna. Yokozuna quickly went to work on Savage, dominated the action and appeared on his way to a win. Connecting on a running backsplash on Savage in the corner, Mr. Fuji (Yokozuna's manager) ordered one more from outside the ring.

This time it missed, and it opened the door for Savage. Quickly climbing to the top rope, Savage connected with his Flying Elbow Drop and seemed poised for the win. Savage's next move will forever defy explanation. Savage went for the pin, which is useless in a rumble, and Yokozuna demonstrated his strength as he pressed Savage over the top rope for the win.

7 "The King" Jerry Lawler (1996)

If you looked at the times wrestlers posted in the 1996 Royal Rumble, Jerry Lawler's 36+ minutes would look like a pretty good night. Digging deeper gives us one of the funniest eliminations in history. Taking advantage of a rumble clearing episode, Lawler, escaped and hid under the ring for a half-hour, only reappearing periodically by peaking his head out. Eventually being discovered by HBK, Lawler was drug back into the ring and was promptly eliminated. It only went down from here for Lawler at next year's rumble.

6 "The King" Jerry Lawler (1997)

Calling the very rumble he would later participate in, Lawler's level of excitement skyrocketed as his theme music began to play to signify he was entry #22. Getting up from the broadcast booth and uttering the phrase "It takes a king...", Lawler was eliminated immediately upon his entry into the ring. The King received two punches from Bret Hart and tumbled onto the floor below. Interestingly enough, Lawler's short time in the match must have been hard on him. He spent the rest of the event talking about and predicting how well he would do once his number was called.

5 Scotty 2 Hotty & Grandmaster Sexay (2000)

Early in the rumble in 2000, all three members of "Too Cool" (Scotty 2 Hotty, Grandmaster Sexay and Rikishi) found themselves in the ring alone. Instead of fighting, the three-man crew took the opportunity to do one of their signature dances, to the delight of the crowd.

At the end of their dance extravaganza, Rikishi seized the moment, giving the other two unsuspecting teammates a running double clothesline. Stunned, Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay were an easy elimination for the big man. All Rikishi could offer the two after his doublecrossing was a shoulder shrug. This seemed to be enough as Rikishi was quickly forgiven and the dancing team remained intact.

4 The Hurricane (2002)

Can The Hurricane chokeslam both Steve Austin and Triple H at the same time? Probably not, but that sure seemed to be his plan as he entered the rumble in 2002. Grabbing Triple H with his left and Austin with his right, both rival wrestlers were having nothing of it. Looking at each other and the position they were in, they made the quick decision to take care of The Hurricane together by grabbing the back of his head and easily tossing him over the top rope.

3 Santino Marella (2009)

Who can ever forget Santino Marella's pleas of "I wasn't ready! I wasn't ready!" after his record-breaking performance (quickest elimination in Royal Rumble history) in 2009. Sprinting to the ring and quickly climbing into it, Marella was instantly greeted with a clothesline by Kane, which sent him over the top rope and onto the floor below. Marella spent a whopping 1.9 seconds in the ring that night, but it might be the most memorable (and hilarious) 1.9 seconds in sports-entertainment history.

2 The Great Khali (2010)

The advances of a woman can be tough to fight against. Even at 7'1 and 347 pounds, The Great Khali wasn't above this. Beth Phoenix, only the second woman to participate in The Royal Rumble, was scooped up easily by Khali, walked to the edge of the ring, lifted over the top rope, set on her feet on the ring apron and told to exit the match.

This is when Phoenix turned on her womanly charms. Grabbing The Great Khali around his neck, she brought him in for a passionate kiss, which caused the massive wrestler to let down his guard. Seizing this opportunity, Phoenix (who was 5'7 and 150 pounds) continued to pull Khali closer and eventually over the top rope onto the floor. Oh, the power of a beautiful woman!

1 Daniel Bryan (2013)

WWE Tag Team Champions Kane and Daniel Bryan had already defended their titles earlier that night (both part of Team Hell No), but their paths would cross again in the rumble, and produce one of the funniest exits in history. Kane, who had already been eliminated by Bryan himself, happened to be in the right place at the right time for payback. Antonio Cesaro appeared to eliminate Bryan, who was standing on the ring apron, with a forearm that sent him towards the floor. Kane caught Bryan in midair, keeping both of Bryan's feet off the ground. Kane was instantly put in the position to save his partner (and the man that had eliminated him) by tossing him back in the ring or finishing the work of Cesaro and tossing him to the ground. Kane chose the later, despite the pleading of Bryan.

Next: 10 Famous Men Who Would've Made Great Wrestling Managers